
Professor, Dr.Sc. (Radiobiology), Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics)

   Valery Kashparov

(38044) 526-12-46



Head of laboratory  of nuclear-physics methods of analysis and radiochemistry

Candidate of Biology


Svjatoslav Levchuk

(38044) 526-24-44

Principal research directions


Physical and chemical characteristics of the radioactive fallout


Radionuclides migration in the Environment


Evaluation of the Environmental impacts of the nuclear fuel cycle enterprises


Reconstruction of conditions of the ChNPP accident


Radiological monitoring the agricultural production


Mapping the 30-km ChNPP zone territory contamination with radionuclides of strontium and TUE


Parameterization and verification of the models of the radionuclides migration in the Environment, prognosis of the dynamics of the radioecological situation in the contaminated areas

The ladoratory collaborates with the leading scientific institutions in Europe, such as IRSN (France), GSF (Germany), Agricultural University of Norway etc. Research results are published in the well-known scientific journals, such as Health Physics, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Journal of Aerosol Science, Nuclear Technology, Nuclear Materials, Analyst, Radiobiology, Radiochemistry, Hygiene and Sanitary, Bulletin of the Exclusion zone and others.


Head of laboratory  of of radioecological monitoring, mathematical modeling and dosimetry

Candidate of Biology


Vasyl Yoschenko
(38044) 526-24-44

Principal research directions


Radionuclides migration in the Environment


Assessment of the doses to the human and animal organisms


Reconstruction of conditions of the ChNPP accident


Development of the methodology and conducting the agroecological monitoring


Radiological monitoring the agricultural production


Mapping the 30-km ChNPP zone territory contamination with radionuclides of strontium and TUE


Parameterization and verification of the models of the radionuclides migration in the Environment, prognosis of the dynamics of the radioecological situation in the contaminated areas


The laboratory collaborates with the leading scientific institutions in Europe, such as IRSN (France), GSF (Germany), Agricultural University of Norway etc. Research results are published in the well-known scientific journals, such as Health Physics, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Journal of Aerosol Science, Nuclear Technology, Nuclear Materials, Analyst, Radiobiology, Radiochemistry, Hygiene and Sanitary, Bulletin of the Exclusion zone and others.



Head of laboratory  for support of agriculture production in the technogenic contaminated territories

Candidate of Biology

Mykola Lazarev
(38044) 526-74-45

Principal research directions :


Ecological evaluation of the conditions of various branches of the stock-breeding in the radioactive contaminated territories.


Evaluation of efficiency of the radiosorbents in laboratory and industrial conditions


Assessment of radiocesium activity in agricultural animals at various stages of breeding of the cattle


Development of the forage admixtures on the basis of cesium sorbents


Evaluation and prognosis of the ecological and radioecological situation


Development of the recommendations for the plant growing in the technogenic impacted zones in order to guarantee the ecologically clean agricultural production in the contaminated with radionuclides and heavy metals territories of Ukraine.



Technik potential of the institute:

Spectrometric and radiometric equipment:

·         g-spectrometer "ADCAM-300" with 2 detectors GEM-30185, manufactured by EG&G ORTEC (USA). MDA-<5 Bq/kg for 137Cs;

·                    a-spectrometer "Soloist-U0300" with 2 detectors, manufactured by EG&G ORTEC (USA);

·                    a-b-radiometer CANBERRA-2400 (USA). MDA - < 4 Bq/kg for 90Sr;

·                    LSC-radiometer Mark-III (USA);

·                    g-spectrometer Gamma Track 1185 (USA);

·                    portable scintillation g-spectrometer on the base of analyzer CANBERRA-10Plus

Analysis of chemical elements in the samples:

  • atomic-absorption spectrophotometer VARIAN

Radiochemical laboratory with the full set of necessary equipment and reagents


·                       two mobile radiological laboratories with g-spectrometers equipped with scintillation detectors;

·                       sampling equipment.

PCs, office equipment, Internet