Institute can give the following services to research organisations, various institutions and population :
Survey of various territories and agricultural lands, determination of caesium and strontium radionuclides, TUE et al. content in soil, water and products samples by gamma-spectrometric and radiochemical methods ;
Determination of granulometric composition of soils;
Determination of concentration and dispersion composition of aerosols in the air ;
Radiohygienic assessment of the labour conditions in the contaminated environment ;
Implementation of the complex system for monitoring of contamination of agricultural lands and agricultural production with heavy metals (HM) and radionuclides (RN) in territories with the increased technogenic loading ;
Elaboration of long-term prediction of the lands and agricultural products contamination with HM and RN in the territory of Ukraine ;
Zoning of territories by the danger level of agricultural lands contamination with HM and chemical pollutants;
Certification of production for its conformity to hygienic standards by radionuclides and chemical pollutants content ;
Elaboration of methodical and regulating documents, technical requirements for facilities and apparatuses used to control ionising irradiation;
Rendering of the methodical aid and training of personal to use the new types of equipment, repairing, check-out and calibration of radiological instruments ;
Ecological estimation of conditions for stock-breeding in radionuclides' contaminated territories;
Estimation of efficiency of radiosorbing preparations in laboratory and industrial conditions ;
Estimation of radiocaesium content in organism of the agricultural animals at the various stages of the meat cattle feeding;
Working up of the fodder additives on the base of caesium-sorbing preparations .